This action runs before a field group is saved.
do_action( 'rwmb_before_save_post', $object_id );
It takes 1 parameter: current object ID.
Although the action name is rwmb_before_save_post
, it applies to all object types, including term, user, or setting. We keep the name for historical reasons.
To run this action for a specific field group, use a variation of this action:
do_action( "rwmb_{$field_group_id}_before_save_post", $object_id );
Changing a field value before saving:
add_action( 'rwmb_event-details_before_save_post', function() {
$_POST['location'] = 'United States';
rwmb_request()->set_post_data( $_POST );
} );
Changing a field value based on another field value:
add_action( 'rwmb_event-details_before_save_post', function() {
if ( $_POST['event_type'] === 'festival' ) {
$_POST['event_start_time'] = '09:00';
$_POST['event_end_time'] = '17:00';
rwmb_request()->set_post_data( $_POST );
} );