Creating new field types
If the existing Meta Box field types are not suitable for your needs, you can create a new field type. This documentation will show you how to create a new field type phone
which accepts only format xxx-xxx-xxxx
Registering a field class​
If we want to create a new field type, we need to create a class RWMB_{$field_type}_Field
that extends the base RWMB_Field
class. In this case, our class name is RWMB_Phone_Field
class RWMB_Phone_Field extends RWMB_Field {
// Code for the field goese here
Save this class in a PHP file. Then include it in the theme's functions.php
file or your plugin's file:
add_action( 'init', 'prefix_load_phone_type' );
function prefix_load_phone_type() {
require 'path/to/field-phone.php';
We use init
action to make sure all Meta Box files are loaded and class RWMB_Field
is defined.
Adding a method to output the field​
For the phone field, we have to define content of html
method to output the field HTML:
public static function html( $meta, $field ) {
return sprintf(
'<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" class="rwmb-phone" value="%s" pattern="\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}">',
Here we use the attribute pattern
to force users to enter the correct phone number format xxx-xxx-xxxx
For this field, we don't need to handle saving or retrieving the meta value or enqueueing scripts and styles. Everything is handled automatically by Meta Box.
The complete code for this class is the following:
class RWMB_Phone_Field extends RWMB_Field {
public static function html( $meta, $field ) {
return sprintf(
'<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" class="rwmb-phone" value="%s" pattern="\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}">',
The phone class inherits all methods from RWMB_Field
class. The full list of RWMB_Field
methods and their description are described below.
How to use the new field type?​
After register a new field type, you can use it in your code, like this:
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function ( $meta_boxes ) {
$meta_boxes[] = [
'title' => 'Profile',
'post_types' => 'speaker',
'fields' => [
'name' => 'Hotline',
'id' => 'hotline',
'type' => 'phone',
return $meta_boxes;
} );
Now when you go to the editing page, you'll see a new field like this:
That's all for this simple field type. If you want to create a more complex field, just overwrite methods from RWMB_Field
class. You might want to enqueue scripts and styles, sanitize field value before saving in the database, etc. The RWMB_Field
class has all methods for that you just need to overwrite necessary methods.
To make the field works with the clone feature, make sure to add a CSS class to your inputs that start with rwmb
. The clone script will automatically detect all the inputs started with rwmb
and set the correct id
and name
class methods​
All methods of this class (and its descendants) are static. It will make all fields use the same code instead of creating multiple class instances, thus increasing the plugin's performance.
This method allows a field to add custom hooks for its needs. For example: callbacks for ajax call (like file
), add hooks to output custom content in admin footer (like file_advanced
), etc. This method is called when the meta box is loaded. You can also add custom code to this method or calls to other functions which need to run when code is loaded. This method doesn't have any arguments.
This method allows you to enqueue scripts and styles for a field. This method doesn't have any arguments.
This method outputs the field's HTML markup. Fields should not overwrite this method to output custom HTML. Instead of that, overwrite methods html
, begin_html
, end_html
described below. This method has 2 arguments:
: array of field arguments$saved
: a param used to detect whether this meta box is saved into database or not$post_id
: the current post ID
This method returns (not echoes, only returns) field's HTML markup. This is the input controls of the field and is put inside .rwmb-input
CSS class. Each field must overwrite this method to returns its HTML for inputs. This method has 2 arguments:
: field meta value$field
: array of field arguments
This method returns the beginning HTML output of a field. The beginning HTML output contains field name and opening tag for inputs. By default it is:
<div class="rwmb-label">
<label for="{$field_id}">{$field_name}</label>
<div class="rwmb-input">
This method should not be overwritten by field's class, unless it's needed to do so (like heading
field). This method has 2 arguments:
: field meta value$field
: array of field arguments
This method returns the ending HTML output of a field. The ending HTML output contains clone button, field description and closing tag for inputs. By default it is:
</div> <!-- .rwmb-input -->
This method should not be overwritten by field's class, unless it's needed to do so (like heading
field). This method has 2 arguments:
: field meta value$field
: array of field arguments
This method retrieves meta value for a field. In most cases, this method does all the job of retrieving meta value of a field. But in some cases, a descendant class may overwrite this method to retrieve meta value for more complicated logic. This method has 3 parameters:
: current post ID, from which we retrieve meta value$saved
: a param used to detect whether this meta box is saved into database or not$field
: array of field arguments
This method set field meta value before saving in database. By default it just returns the value from $_POST
. Field class can overwrite this method to set meta value for more complicated logic (like taxonomy_advanced
). This method has 4 parameters:
: field meta value which will be saved in the database$old
: old meta value of field$post_id
: current post ID, from which we retrieve meta value$field
: array of field arguments
This method saves field meta value in database. In most cases, this method does all the job of saving meta value of a field to database. But in some cases, a descendant class may overwrite this method to handle saving itself (like taxonomy
field). This method has 4 parameters:
: field meta value which will be saved in the database$old
: old meta value of field$post_id
: current post ID, from which we retrieve meta value$field
: array of field arguments
This method normalizes field arguments, add missing arguments, add default value for fields, etc. Depends on field type, each field class can overwrite this method to define its own defaults value. This method has 1 parameter:
: array of field arguments