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This filter is used to change the HTML of the field input.

When outputting a field, it will have the following HTML:

<!-- Start: field outer HTML -->
<div class="rwmb-field rwmb-{$field['type']}-wrapper {$field['class']} required">

<!-- Start: field wrapper HTML -->

<!-- Start: field begin HTML -->
<div class="rwmb-label" id="{$field['id]}-label">
<label for="{$field['id']}">
<span class="rwmb-required">*</span>
<p id="{$field['id']}-label-description" class="description">{$field['label_description']}</p>
<div class="rwmb-input">
<!-- End: field begin HTML -->

<!-- Field input HTML -->

<!-- Start: field end HTML -->
<p id="{$field['id']}-description" class="description">{$field['desc']}</p>
<!-- End: field end HTML -->

<!-- End: field wrapper HTML -->

<!-- End: field outer HTML -->

This filter is used to change the field input HTML, e.g. the HTML of the inputs to enter data.

The HTML of a field input is various and depends on the field type. For example, a text field outputs an input tag, while a wysiwyg field outputs a complex div.

apply_filters( 'rwmb_html', $html, $field, $value );

This filter accepts 3 parameters:

$htmlHTML output of a field
$fieldField settings
$valueField value

This filter has variations:

  • rwmb_html: apply to all fields
  • rwmb_{$field_type}_html: apply to fields with a specific type
  • rwmb_{$field_id}_html: apply to a field with a specific id