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To ensure the user input is safe to save to the database, Meta Box provides a mechanism to sanitize fields' values. The sanitization is automatically applied for all built-in field types. For some fields such as select or radio, Meta Box also validates the submitted value to ensure it's a valid value (e.g. available in the field options).

The sanitization is applied for both single and cloneable fields. With cloneable fields, sanitization is applied for each cloned value.

Default sanitize callbacks

We try to provide appropriate callbacks for built-in field types and use built-in WordPress sanitization functions as much as possible.

To see the list of default sanitize callbacks, please see the plugin source code.

  • Textarea field: Meta Box removes all scripts and iframes from the value. If you want to enter scripts (like Google Analytics) or embed videos, then you need to disable sanitization. See below for details.
  • Choice fields: Meta Box validates the input to make sure it's in the field options.
  • Groups are not sanitized due to their complexity.

Bypass the sanitization

If you don't want to sanitize the input value for a specific field (we don't encourage this, obviously), then go to the Advanced tab and set Custom sanitize callback to "none":

disable sanitization

In this case, whatever users input will be saved.


The instruction above uses MB Builder, an extension providing the UI to create fields, and is already bundled in Meta Box Lite and Meta Box AIO. If you prefer to use code, please see below.

If you use code, then set 'sanitize_callback' => 'none' in the field settings:

'type' => 'text',
'id' => 'amount',
'name' => 'Amount',
'sanitize_callback' => 'none',

Custom sanitize callback

To provide a custom sanitize callback for a field, please enter a function name to the Custom sanitize callback settings in the Advanced tab when editing a field.

custom sanitizate callback

And don't forget to define the function in your theme or plugin.

The code below uses code to define a custom sanitize callback that auto add a currency symbol "$" to a text field if it's missed:

add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function( $meta_boxes ) {
$meta_boxes[] = [
'title' => 'Test Sanitization Money Field',
'fields' => [
'type' => 'text',
'id' => 'amount',
'name' => 'Amount',
'sanitize_callback' => 'my_sanitize_money_field',
return $meta_boxes;
} );

function my_sanitize_money_field( $value, $field, $old_value, $object_id ) {
if ( 0 !== strpos( $value, '$' ) ) {
$value = '$' . $value;
return $value;

The sanitize callback is passed 4 parameters as follows:

$valueThe submitted value
$fieldThe field settings
$old_valueThe old value which is in the database
$object_idThe current object ID

Sanitizing subfields in a group

Because the group field saves its value in the database as a serialized array, to sanitize subfields, we need to put the sanitize_callback function for the outer group and use it to check the values of subfields:

'fields' => [
'name' => 'My group',
'id' => 'my_group_id',
'type' => 'group',
'sanitize_callback' => 'my_subfield_validation',
'fields' => [
'name' => 'Text',
'id' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'Textarea',
'id' => 'textarea',
'type' => 'textarea',

The returned value of the sanitize callback is the group value, e.g. an array of subfield values.

function my_subfield_validation( $group ) {
if ( empty( $group['text'] ) ) {
$group['text'] = 'Hello World!';

return $group;


Why doesn't my textarea field save values?

Probably you are trying to save a script like Google Analytics or an embedded video. Meta Box removes all these things during sanitization. To save them, please disable sanitization for the field. See the "Bypass the sanitization" section for details.

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