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Displaying images from cloneable fields - Meta Box + Elementor

We will display images from cloneable fields using Meta Box and Elementor.

The image below is a specific example.

The example of displaying images from cloneable fields using Meta Box + Elementor

Video version


Here are some tools we need:

  • Meta Box: to have the framework for creating custom fields. It’s free, and you can download it directly from;
  • Meta Box Settings Page: to create settings pages;
  • MB Builder: to have an intuitive UI to create custom fields in the backend to save image and other information if any;
  • MB Group: to organize custom fields into cloneable groups, where we input images;
  • MB Elementor Integrator: to connect and display custom fields created by Meta Box plugin in the Elementor's dynamic tags.

They’re all in the Meta Box AIO. If you haven’t had it, you can download and install each one individually.

Finally, make sure you have Elementor Pro on your site.

1. Creating a settings page

With custom post types, information from each brand will be saved in a separate post. But with a settings page, all of them will be on this page only. So, I will use a settings page for more convenience.

Go to Meta Box > Settings Page > Add New.

Create a setting page

Change the Option name for the page and other settings as you want.

After publishing, you’ll see a new settings page named Brands appears.

New settings page named Brands appears

2. Creating custom fields

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create custom fields for the settings page.

The following table illustrates the fields’ structure that I’m using.

FieldTypes of FieldID
Brand GroupGroupbrand_group
Brand Logo UploadSingle Imagebrand_logo_upload
Brand NameTextbrand_name

This is a group with two subfields inside. It is also set to be cloneable to have more spaces to add different brands' information.

Set this group as cloneable to have more spaces to add different brands' information.

In addition, I set this group as collapsible to collapse the information in the group field.

Set this group as collapsible to collapse the information of the group field

After that, open the Settings tab and choose Location as the Settings Page we’ve created to apply the custom fields.

In the Settings tab, choose the Location as the Settings Page to apply the custom fields

Go back to the settings page, and you’ll see all of the newly created custom fields. There is an Add More button to add another brand’s information.

The created custom fields are displayed

Now, let’s fill in the information in the fields and move to the next step.

3. Creating a skin

Go to Elementor Theme Builder > MB Group Skin > Add New.

Go to Elementor Theme Builder > choose MB Group Skin > Add new skin

Set the settings for the skin as you want. Then, add the Image element to display the brand logo.

Set the settings for the skin, then add the Image element to display the brand logo

To get the image from the custom fields created by Meta Box, go to the Dynamic Tags and find the Meta Box Field.

Go to the Dynamic Tags and find the Meta Box Field to get the image from custom fields

Since the custom field we created is on the settings page, we choose the Meta Box Field in the Site section.

Choose the Meta Box Field in the Site section

Then, choose the name of the field you want to get the image from.

Choose the name of the field you want to get the image from

For the brand’s title, add a Text Editor element. Once again, go to the Dynamic Tags and find the Meta Box Field in the Site section and choose the Brand Name option.

Add a Text Editor element to this section

After that, I’ll style both elements a little bit.

Style both elements a little bit

4. Displaying the image section on a page

Let’s edit a page with Elementor, I’m doing this with the homepage in this practice.

Edit the homepage with Elementor

First, I add a widget to the homepage to create a section that contains brand information. Then, add a Heading to it and style it as you want.

Add a widget to the homepage to create a section that contains brand information then add a Heading to style

Next, to display the images of logos, add the MB Group element.

Add the MB Group element to display the brands’ logos

Set Object Type as Settings page because we’ve just input the image into fields in a settings page.

Set Object Type as Settings page

After that, it will set the created-latest group by default. Change it to the one that we use to save the images.

Now, all the data from the group will be displayed, but there is no styling.

Set the created-latest group by default

For styling, choose the skin that you’ve just created above. Then, it will turn to the new look with the style of the created skin.

Choose the skin that you’ve created

Also, you can configure the display of the brand section, such as the number of columns and the spacing between them.

you can configure the display of the brand section like column's number and spacing

Here is the result we’ve got:

The final result of displaying images from cloneable fields with Meta Box + Elementor

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