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Displaying the latest products - Meta Box + Zion

We’ll create a section and choose the products or posts that are the latest ones to display only on the homepage.

I’ll take the restaurants as an example for products.

example for displaying the latest products in a section on the homepage using Meta Box and Zion

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We'll display the latest restaurants and then the oldest ones. Each one’s information will be saved in a post of a custom post type. The extra information such as address, logo, voucher will be saved in custom fields.

So we need some tools to do this practice:

1. Creating a custom post type

Go to Meta Box > Post Types > Add New to create a new post type.

create a new custom post type

After publishing, we’ll have a new menu named Restaurants in the Admin Dashboard.

a new menu display on the left sidebar

2. Creating custom fields

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields to create fields. I’ll create all the fields like this for the illustration purpose only:

the custom fields that we'll create for the post type

There are no special settings for them.

After creating all the fields, move to the Settings tab. Remember to choose the Location as Post Type and select your product’s post type to apply these fields to it.

set location for the fields to apply them to the wanted post type

Now, when creating a new post in my Restaurant post type, the custom fields will be there.

the custom fields displayed in the post editor

3. Adding a section for the latest products

Creating and configuring the section

Let’s edit a page to add the section. I’ll take the homepage and edit it with Zion Builder.

edit the homepage with Zion builder

First, add a Section element to the page. Then, add a Heading for it.

add a section element in the homepage

add a heading for the section

Next, add a Container and a Column element inside it.

add a container inside the section

Add a Column element

In the settings of the Column element, go to the Advanced tab > Repeater Options and enable the repeater provider.

enable the repeater provider for the column

Choose the Query type as Query builder and select the Post type as the post type you want. In my case, it is Restaurant.

query the posts from the wanted post type

Since we’ll display the latest posts first then the oldest ones, set order posts by date and then choose the Descending option.

set order for the posts

Remember to enable the repeater consumer.

enable the repeater consumer

But, it will display all the posts in the chosen post type. So, enter a number to the Posts per page box to limit the number of posts. I set 10 here, so only the 10 latest posts will display in the section.

enable the repeater consumer

Because we haven’t chosen any kind of information of the product to show yet, it’s still blank there.

Displaying products information into the section

Let’s do it by adding some elements.

Add an Image element to show the featured image of the post. Then, click the Use dynamic data button. In the list of displaying options, find the Featured image in the Post section.

Use dynamic data button to get data from posts

Now, all the featured images of the restaurants are shown.

the data from posts are obtained

Do likewise for the name of the restaurant, means the post title. Choose a Heading element > Use dynamic data > Post Title.

get post titles for the name of restaurants

For the address, choose the Text element. Then, also click the Use dynamic data button. Since the address is saved in a custom field created by Meta Box, find |Meta Box Field in the list of options.

Use dynamic data to get data from the custom fields created by Meta Box

Then, choose the corresponding field.

choose the wanted fields to get the corresponding data

Now, the addresses corresponding to each restaurant will be shown.

the addresses corresponding to each restaurant will be shown

For other information such as Voucher and Logo, do likewise.

Add a Text element and link it to the Voucher field

Add a Image element and link it to the Logo field

Now, all the information of the restaurant has been obtained and displayed in a section on the Homepage.

all the information of the restaurant has been obtained and displayed in a section on the homepage

4. Styling the section

If you want to have more styling to make this section more lively, you can easily do it in Zion visual builder.

Here, I just set the layout and change the style of some elements.

style the layout of the section as you want in Zion visual builder

For further styling, you can use some CSS code.

use CSS for advanced styling

Then the section will have a new look as below:

The result after all steps