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Displaying opening hours for restaurants - Meta Box + Bricks

On a website for booking tables for several restaurants, we can show the daily opening hours for each one. It helps your customers be more proactive in managing schedules and bookings. It’s a piece of cake to add that information into a single page of each restaurant with the help of Meta Box and Bricks.

This section is an example:

The opening hours section on the single page of a restaurant

Video version


I assume that each restaurant is a post of a custom post type along with some detailed information. And, the opening time will be saved in custom fields created with Meta Box.

In a real case, it can be the same or different between days of the week. Therefore, besides the custom fields to store timing information, we should set a rule for displaying the fields.

So, we need these tools:

1. Creating a new post type

Go to Meta Box > Post Types, and create a new one for the restaurants.

Go to Meta Box > Post Types, and create a new one for the restaurants

After publishing, the created custom post type will be displayed in the admin dashboard.

The created custom post type will be displayed in the admin dashboard.

2. Creating custom fields

In this step, we will create some custom fields to save the opening hours information, then define when they display as well. I’ll skip the other information about the restaurant, but you may want to have some in your real case.

Structure of custom fields

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group.

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group

Then, add custom fields with the type and condition like this:

Choose an optionchoose_an_optionSelect1. all_days_are_the_same 2. difference_between_weekdays_and_weekend 3. custom
All days have the same opening hoursall_days_have_the_same_opening_hoursGroupdisplay only when: the choose_an_option field = the all_days_are_the_same option
Type of opening hourstype_of_opening_hoursSelect1. open_all_day 2. close_all_day 3. by_appointment_only 4. enter_hours
Choose time slotschoose_time_slotsGroupdisplay only when: the type_of_opening_hours field = the enter_hours option
Start timestart_timeTime Picker
End timeend_timeTime Picker
Weekdaysweekdaysgroupdisplay only when: the choose_an_option field = the difference_between_weekdays_and_weekend option
Type of opening hourstypeof_opening_hoursweekdaysselect1. open_all_day 2. close_all_day 3. by_appointment_only 4. enter_hours
Choose time slotschoosetime_slotsweekdaysgroupdisplay only when: the type_of_opening_hours_weekdays field = the enter_hours option
Start timestarttimeweekdaysTime Picker
End timeendtimeweekdaysTime Picker
Weekendweekendgroupdisplay only when: the choose_an_option field = the difference_between_weekdays_and_weekend option
Type of opening hourstypeof_opening_hoursweekendselect1. open_all_day 2. close_all_day 3. by_appointment_only 4. enter_hours
Choose time slotschoosetime_slotsweekendgroupdisplay only when: the type_of_opening_hours_weekend field = the enter_hours option
Start timestarttimeweekendTime Picker
End timeendtimeweekendTime Picker
Mondaymondaygroupdisplay only when: the choose_an_option field = the custom option
Type of opening hourstypeof_opening_hoursmondayselect1. open_all_day 2. close_all_day 3. by_appointment_only 4. enter_hours
Choose time slotschoosetime_slotsmondaygroupdisplay only when: the type_of_opening_hours_monday field = the enter_hours option
Start timestarttimemondayTime Picker
End timeendtimemondayTime Picker

I’ll explain the logic and how they work in detail.

The first field is a Select field with 3 options as you can see in the Choices box.

The Select field with 3 options

We have separate values for each option. They will be used to set the rules for the upcoming fields.

When each option is chosen, different fields show up. We’ll use conditional logic to set the rule for displaying those fields.

For example, the All days have the same opening hours group display only when users set the Select field above with the first option. To set that rule, go to the Advanced tab, add a rule in the Conditional Logic section based on the value of the field like this:

Go to the Advanced tab, add a rule in the Conditional Logic section based on the value of the field

It means that this group will be displayed when the Choose an Option field is selected as the All days have the same opening hours option which has the value all_days_are_the_same.

Similarly, if the Select field is chosen as the Difference between weekdays and weekend option, all the subfields of the Weekdays and Weekend groups will be displayed. And if the Choose an Option field is selected as the Custom option, the group fields for every day in a week from Monday to Sunday will be shown up. All of the keys are the same since the rule is based on the Choose an Option field. Also, just change the value to the corresponding option.

Set the condition for the case that Difference between weekdays and weekend

Set the condition for the case that custom time slots

In each group, we also have subfields with the same structure.

The first subfield is the Type of Opening Hours field. It is also a Select field as well. I have 4 options in the Choices box as below:

Another Select field with 4 options

The second one is a Group field for choosing time slots. Note that the day of the corresponding group will be added to this field’s ID to differentiate the fields from other groups. Inside it, there are two subfields for the start time and end time.

A subgroup to display time slots with two Time Picker fields

This Choose time slots field displays only when you choose Type of Opening Hours as the last option: Enter hours. So, we also set the rule for this group as following.

Set the rule for displaying the time slot: only when the Type of opening hours is Enter hours

The restaurant can have multiple time slots. Thus, enable the cloneable feature for the group in the General tab.

Enable the Clonable option to add more time slots

After having all the fields with reasonable settings, move to the Settings tab, set the Location as Post type, and select Restaurant to apply these fields to it.

Move to the Settings tab, set the Location as Post type, and select Restaurant to apply these fields to it

Then, go to the post editor in Restaurant, you will see the custom fields displayed following the rule we set.

The fields and conditions work well in the post editor

Just input the data. If the conditions weren’t wrong, all the fields would be displayed in the right way. If not, you should go back to the field settings to check the conditions carefully.

3. Displaying opening hours

Go to Bricks > Templates, and edit the template that we use for the single page.

Go to Bricks > Templates, and edit the template that we use for the single page

Don’t forget to set the preview for the template. First, you should have a separate block for the opening hours section.

Set the preview for the template and have a separate block for the opening hours section

Then, add a heading for it.

Add a new heading for the section

Now, let’s display the timing information. It’s the main part of this article.

Since Bricks supports conditions to display or hide elements based on dynamic data, we will create elements for every field that we created in the previous step, then use conditions to show or hide the data.

No matter which kind of opening time the restaurant has, we still need to call all the data out. Then, based on the case it is, the elements to show the accurate time will display automatically.

3.1. For the first case: All days are the same

Add a new block to cover all the elements for this case. Instead of using a block, you can use a Div element, or anything else that can set this section separately. Since we will have some elements like this in the next part, we should rename it for better management.

Add a new block for the timing information in the first case

This block displays only when the restaurant opens at the same time everyday, also means that it displays only when the first option in the Select field is chosen. So, we will have a rule for it.

Set that rule by clicking the Conditions icon as the below image shows.

Click on the Conditions icon to set the rule for displaying the block

The condition is based on the value saved in a custom field, so it’s a kind of dynamic data from custom fields. Thus, you should set the condition as Dynamic data.

Set the condition as Dynamic data

Then, set the rule like this:

Set the rule for the block

In there:

  • 1: It’s the ID of the field that the condition is based on. To regulate that the value of the field will be used to compare, you need to add the :value attribute;
  • 2: It’s the operation we use to compare. Bricks also provides some other operations, just choose one that makes sense;
  • 3: It’s the value of the first option that we had for the Select field.

The whole of this condition means that the block displays only when the Choose an Option field is set as the All days are the same option.

Now, let’s add some elements inside this block to display the timing information. Since they are all inside the Block element, they also display only when the condition is met.

I use the Basic Text element for the name of the days. But, I added a Div element before it to style easily.

Use the Basic Text element for the name of the days

Next, add a Div element for the timing information.

Add a Div element for the timing information

Since the information is in the All days are the same group, we’ll enable the query loop for this Div to get data. Choose the Type of the query as the group we use.

Enable the query loop and choose the Type as the group we use

There are also some options in the subfields of this group that lead to some different cases. Thus, we need to use the condition once again.

For the first three options (Open All days, Close All days, By Appointment Only), only the value of this field will be displayed in all three cases. So, I will add only one Basic Text element for them.

Add Basic text element to get data for the first three options

Add dynamic data from the corresponding field to this Basic Text element to get the information saved in the field.

Add dynamic data from the corresponding field to this element.

Then, add a condition in the kind of dynamic data for it as well. This Basic Text element is displayed only when the Type of Opening Hours field is one of the three first options. In the other words, whenever the Enter hours option is not chosen, it will be shown. So, click on the Conditions icon and add a rule like this:

Set condition for the elements

We also choose the field and the operation, also paste the value for comparison.

Otherwise, in the case that the last option is chosen, we have another Div element to display the right information.

Add another Div element for the Enter hours option

We use this element to set a condition to display the time slots since they are displayed only when the last option is chosen. The condition is quite the same as the previous element for the first three options, but I change the operation to equal.

Set a condition to display the time slots

Inside the Div, add another Div element to set the Query since the values we want to get for timing information are in a cloneable group.

Add another Div element to set the query

Set the query for the div as the right group

Then, add two new Basic Text elements, one is for the start time, and one is for the end time inside those Div elements.

Add two new Basic Text elements for the start time and end time

We also use dynamic data for them all to get data from custom fields. Since we have some different start time and end time fields in different groups, just make sure you choose the right ones.

Choose dynamic data for the start time

Choose dynamic data for the end time

That’s done for the first case. Let’s go to the front end to check how the data displays. This is the result when you choose one of the three first options:

The section on the frontend when the three first options is chosen

If you choose the last one and enter multiple slots, the timing will be displayed exactly.

The time slots also display exactly on the frontend

So, the data displayed well follows the rule that we set. For a better look of the section, you can style each element a little bit.

Style the section

However, it’s not the end. We’ve just displayed data when the first option in the first Select field is chosen. So, what happens when one of the rest is chosen? We haven’t set anything to display data in those cases.

Let’s move on for them now.

3.2. For the second case: Difference between Weekdays and Weekend

For the second case that there are different opening times between weekdays and weekends, we will use some elements and conditions which are quite the same with the first case. This, instead of adding new elements to display data, you should duplicate the block for the All days are the same case. It helps save time a lot since the logic to display information is exactly the same. In this case, we have a total of two blocks: one is for the weekdays, and one is for the weekend.

Our work now is changing the conditions, dynamic data, and content for each element.

I’ll get data for the Weekdays block first. It displays only when the second option in the field is chosen. So, the condition should be changed to the second option.

Change the condition for the second case

Also, change the content of the Basic Text element to the name of the day.

Change the content of the Basic Text element to the name of day

Next, choose the corresponding group in the query of the Div element for the timing info.

Choose the corresponding group in the query of the Div element for the timing info

The dynamic data for the three options is also modified to the right field’s ID.

The dynamic data for the three options is also modified

We also should change the condition to display or hide for the element as well.

Change the condition for displaying 1 of 3 options

Do the same with the Div element for the time slots including edit the conditions, query and dynamic data.

Change condition for the time slots

Change the query

Change the dynamic data

For displaying opening time on weekends, also duplicate this element. This section also displays when the second option in this field is chosen, it’s the same with the weekdays. So, there is no need to change the condition.

The condition for the Weekend block is the same with Weekdays

But, for the remaining elements, we also need to change the names and fields to the corresponding ones. And, remember to look for the right fields from the one related to the Weekend option, both in condition or displaying content.

Change the names, fields, and conditions for the Weekend option

After changing all the information, when you go to the single page on frontend, the data will display correspondingly with the one in the fields.

On the frontend, he data will display correspondingly with the one in the fields

And what about the last case?

3.3. For the last case: Custom

Actually, it's quite the same with the second case. Instead of dividing days into two kinds as weekdays and weekends, now we will have 7 days from Mon to Sun.

So, just duplicate the block for the Weekend. Also change the name, field ID, option in the condition, as well as the field where we display data.

Change the name, field ID, option in the condition for the Monday block

Days of the Custom option after change data

Then, we’ll get the expected result.

The data displays exactly

That’s done.

You also can style every element to have a better look.

The section after styling

So, from now on, whenever the timing information changes in the backend, this template will also change the data displayed on the page as well. Everything will be automatically thanks to the displaying conditions supported by Bricks.