Importing data into Meta Box custom fields - Using WP All Import
To import data into Meta Box custom fields, first install the Meta Box Import Add-On. You must also create the Meta Box custom fields and attach them to the desired post type or CPT before you can import data into them.
To start your import, navigate to All Import › New Import and use the post type or CPT with the attached Meta Box custom fields. Use the Drag & Drop screen to map and then import the Meta Box custom fields into WordPress.
1. Starting a new import for Meta Box custom fields​
Navigate to All Import › New Import and upload your import file. Then, choose the post type or custom post type with the attached Meta Box custom fields:
In this example, we’re importing Meta Box custom fields into a “Restaurants” CPT. Proceed by clicking Continue to Step 2.
2. Validating Meta Box import data​
Next, you’ll see the Review Import File screen, where you ensure that the data to import is correct and valid.
This section also lets you apply filters under Manage Filtering Options to further narrow down what to import.
Once you’re finished reviewing, click Continue to Step 3.
3. Mapping data into Meta Box custom fields​
Next up is the Drag & Drop screen, where you can map the import data into their corresponding fields.
Import elements are mapped by dragging & dropping from right to left:
All of the Meta Box custom fields should be mapped inside of the Meta Box Add-On section:
Here, you can enable the desired field groups to import their Meta Box data. Here are some examples:
After mapping all the Meta Box custom fields, click the Continue to Step 4 button (not shown).
4. Setting up import settings​
Last, you see the Import Settings screen, where most import settings are defined.
The first step on this screen is to click Auto-detect to generate a unique identifier, though it can also be defined via drag & drop using the elements from your import file.
This screen also lets you control other import options, such as what happens should the import run again.
Near the bottom, you can also schedule your import and configure other advanced settings. Ignore these options for now and just click Continue.
5. Running import and checking imported Meta Box fields​
Before running the import process, you’ll see the Confirm & Run screen, which lets you review a summary of the planned import actions before proceeding.
If everything looks okay, click Confirm & Run Import.
When the import finishes, you’ll see an Import Complete message:
That’s it! You can now review your newly imported Meta Box custom fields.
Import Meta Box custom fields – Frequently Asked Questions​
Are All Meta Box Custom Fields Supported?​
Yes, you can import all Meta Box custom fields into WordPress using the Meta Box Import Add-On. It supports all custom fields available in Meta Box.
To import these fields, you must have installed both WP All Import Pro and the Meta Box Import Add-On on your WordPress site.
Can You Export Meta Box Custom Fields?​
Yes, here are the steps to do so:
- In WP All Export, create a new export.
- Choose the post type with Meta Box custom fields.
- Proceed to customize the export template.
- Run the export process and download the exported data.
To export Meta Box custom fields, you need to have both WP All Export and the Meta Box Export Add-On. Learn more about exporting here: How to Export Meta Box Custom Fields - Using WP All Export.