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Moving custom fields' data to custom tables

By default, WordPress saves custom fields' values in the wp_postmeta_ table in the database, in which each row stores a custom field's data. If your website has too many custom fields' data, your database will be bloated considerably. This solution is to move your custom fields' data to a custom table in only ONE row. Therefore, you can release the burden of your database and improve your website performance dramatically! Now we will do it in action.

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To move your custom fields' data to a custom table, here are the tools you need:

  • Meta Box to have a framework to create a custom post type and custom fields for the form. It’s free and available on
  • MB Custom Table allows saving custom fields' data in a custom table.
  • Meta Box Builder to have an UI in the back-end to create custom fields for the post type.

You can move all the custom fields' data of all custom post types to one custom table. However, it will be difficult to manage, categorize, and may cause confusion for you.

Thus, we're going to move the data of each post type to a separate custom table. This method is a bit more time-consuming, but in the long run, it will be more beneficial. That's because the custom fields' data of different post types are saved in different tables.

We already have a post type named Companies with Company name, Address, and Start day fields. This is the field group of these fields in Meta Box Builder:

Created field group

And the custom field's data is saved in the wp_postmeta:

Custom field's data is saved

To move this custom field's data to a custom table, follow these steps:

1. Creating a custom table

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields and edit the field group I mentioned above. Go to the Settings tab and just tick the Save data in a custom table box.

Choose Save data in a custom table option

After that, some options will appear, and then you have to choose Create table automatically and enter the name of the custom table. I'll name it wp_custom_company

Enter the name of custom table

So, you have just created a custom table automatically with Meta Box Builder. And now, in your database, you will see a new table named wp_custom_company.

Create a custom table automatically with Meta Box Builder

From now on, the new data will be automatically saved in the custom table whenever you update.

How about the existing data of this post type? It is still in the wp_postmeta table, so we need to use some code to move it to the new wp_custom_company table.

2. Moving data to the new custom table

This script below is to copy the custom fields' data in the _wp_postmeta table and paste it to the wp_custom_company. Then, it will delete the old data in the wp_postmeta table. Just insert this code into the functions.php_ file.

function estar_child_data_company() {
if ( empty( $_GET['move-data-companies'] ) || ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

$paged = isset( $_GET['estar-child-paged'] ) ? $_GET['estar-child-paged'] : 0;
$paged += 1;
$url = add_query_arg( 'estar-child-paged', $paged,
'' );

$posts = estar_child_admin_records_get_companies( $paged );
if ( empty( $posts ) ) {
die( 'Done' );

foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
estar_child_move_data_company( $post );

echo "

add_action( 'admin_init', 'estar_child_data_company' );

This script will run when you access the URL It's a URL to your WordPress backend, here we use a custom URL parameter move-data-companies to let the script know how to process the data.

The script will check if the current user is an admin, so normal users can't run it. When you access the URL, the script will get all the companies via estar_child_admin_records_get_companies() and for each company, it will process its data via estar_child_move_data_company(). ‘estar’ is the theme that I’m using, you can change it to yours.

To prevent long execution, the code doesn't process all companies at once. Instead, it processes only a batch of companies with pagination.

Now, we need to write these 2 functions:

  • estar_child_admin_records_get_companies(): to take the list of posts
  • estar_child_move_data_company(): to move data for each post
function estar_child_admin_records_get_companies( $paged = 1 ) {
$args = [
'post_type' =&gt; 'companies',
'posts_per_page' =&gt; 100,
'paged' =&gt; $paged,
'fields' =&gt; 'ids',
'orderby' =&gt; 'ID',
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
return $query-&gt;posts;
function estar_child_move_data_company( $post_id ) {
global $wpdb;

echo 'Migrating company ', $post_id, '<br>';

$data = [];

$data['ID'] = $post_id;

$data['company_name'] = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'company_name', true );
$data['address'] = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'address', true );
$data['start_day'] = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'start_day', true );

$data = array_filter( $data );
if ( $data ) {
$wpdb-&gt;insert( 'wp_custom_company', $data );

$meta_key_array = [
$meta_key = "'" . implode( "','", $meta_key_array ) . "'";
$wpdb-&gt;query( $wpdb-&gt;prepare( "
DELETE FROM wpqq_postmeta
WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key IN ( $meta_key )",
) );

This code queries 100 companies in each run. For each company, it gets the custom fields' data from the post meta, and then inserts them into the new custom table. After that, it removes all custom fields from the post meta table.

After adding code, go to this URL: to enable moving the custom fields' data to the custom table.

Enable moving the custom fields' data to the custom table

After running the script, I go to the wp_custom_company custom table to check. And here is the result.

The result after running the scripts

As you can see, the custom fields' data of the Companies post type is now moved to the wp_custom_company table.

It also is deleted from the wp_postmeta table at the same time.

Take advantage of this special feature from Meta Box to make your site faster and more performative.